Earn respect for yourself

My mom raised me and taught me to show respect. I was taught to respect my elders and always be sweet no mater how much it hurts within. I was always taught to think of others before i think of myself. I was taught to greet my elders, say thank you and please to everyone. I was taught that its only age which makes someone elder and smaller to you and not the riches in your bank lockers. Likewise i was taught to greet even those who worked for us. Thats the way I was raised, respecting everyone. However I ws also taught not to tolerate injustice and disrespect. Say "Excuse me", when I did not like something or I was not treated well. I was taught that I am responsible for what I say and not what others understand. I was also raised to treat people exactly how I would like to be treated by others. It’s called respect.

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