
There is love all around

Always remember that, in someway or another you are somebody's angel, even if you dont know about it. They love yo uand think of you even if you do not hear it everyday. Trust that there is love all around you even if you cannot feel it. You are not alone. Just keep the faith

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I love to send rainbows to life

The sight of a happy face makes me happy and tears make me go sad. I did not realize till lately why it sends a shrill down my spine to see someone in pain. I may or may not know the person, but the encounter with pain distresses me. I love to see someone smiling becase of me..I love to send a rainbow to someone's life "just like that". I want to steer positivity in lives. I want to make happy souls.

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Earn respect for yourself

My mom raised me and taught me to show respect. I was taught to respect my elders and always be sweet no mater how much it hurts within. I was always taught to think of others before i think of myself. I was taught to greet my elders, say thank you and please to everyone. I was taught that its only age which makes someone elder and smaller to you and not the riches in your bank lockers. Likewise i was taught to greet even those who worked for us. Thats the way I was raised, respecting everyone.